japan60stars’s illustrated diary

I will explain with illustrations how to use 60stars astrology!

60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette⑧ The Basics of How to Read the Progression of a Horoscope (8)

60stars Astrology for kids6

Queen Marie Antoinette

The Basics of How to Read the Progression of a Horoscope (8)


※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE 



Now that I have explained about progressions with Marie Antoinette's horoscope as an example, I hope you generally understand what I meant.



The way to read progressions is simple, just 2 points.

(1) Multiply the person's progression speed of the Sun☉ (V°/year)  by his/her age to find out the position of his/her progression Sun☉.
(2) After finding out the position of the progression Sun☉, check what kind of aspect the Sun☉ has with what star in the natal (birth chart), and whether it is a good or bad aspect.




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There are many books about Marie Antoinette.

The famous one is "Marie Antoinette" by Stefan Zweig, but there are also many comic books about Marie Antoinette, so look them up yourself! 


I am sure you will discover many things!


If you want to learn more, read the advanced blog made by Tanu-maro(Tanuki≒Japanense Racoon Dog) ! 
Click here⇒60stars astrology

In the articles of that blog, I write about Napoleon I (V=3.6°/year), J.F.K (V=3.0°/year), and many more persons!



...And if you mainly wan to study women's horoscopes, I am writing about horoscopes of M.Thatcher, A.Hepburn, and Lady Diana in Japanese⇓




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I hope you all read various biographies of various people and master astrology!



Maybe I will come back in several months!

Until the day we meet again!






60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette⑦ The Basics of How to Read the Progression of a Horoscope (7)

60stars Astrology for kids6

Queen Marie Antoinette

The Basics of How to Read the Progression of a Horoscope (7)

※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE 

Now, imprisoned in the Tambour Tower, Antoinette and the royal family were put on trial for leaking abroad the secrets of the French national army.



Then, in January 1793, Louis XVI, her good husband, was sentenced to death and immediately executed.
The opinion of Saint-Just, that the institution of monarchy itself should be punished, prevailed and somehow the king was executed.

At that time, Antoinette was a little over 37 years old.
37.3 x 4.28 = 159.6


So, her progression sun☉ was at 19.6 degrees of Aries, counting from the natal Sun☉ Scorpio.
That's the Opposition of her natal Moon.

(Fig 1)

Death of the King


Louis XVI and Antoinette were very good acquaintances.

The execution of the king was a great shock to her.

Of course, this was one of the biggest shocks to European society at that time.


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Later, the attack by Saint-Just and others came to Antoinette.
In October of that year (1793), Antoinette was executed, leaving behind her daughter and son, even though there was not much doubt that she should have been executed.

Antoinette was just before 38 years old.

37.9 x 4.28 = 162.2°.


This is the exact square of Saturn (Figure 2).

So Saturn became the head-hunting scythe.(Fig 2)

Death of the Queen

In one progressive period  (her case, 18° ÷ 4.28 = 4.2 , i.e., only 4 and a bit years), she fell from the throne of Queen and was killed in a terrible hard fate.

This period was with all the major stars (Ascendant => Sirius => Sun => Mars => Moon => Saturn) in bad aspects.

This is a very unfortunate horoscope.


If Antoinette had lived another six months, the progressive phase would have clearly changed.

Because Arcturus★, which indicates army, would be in Opposition, the Galactic Center✪ would be in Trine.

Maybe the armies of salvation would have come from an unexpected direction, although there would be great danger.


And if Antoinette had survived this great crisis, she would have been back in the next Age of Taurus (Progression), giving France a brilliant new era.


There are no " IFs " in history, though.


This is a long story, but it is a very, very pitiful horoscope.

If she were not a princess, she would not have lived such a cruel life.




The next article will be the last in this series.





60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette⑥ The Basics of How to Read the Progression of a Horoscope (6)

60stars Astrology for kids6

Queen Marie Antoinette


The Basics of How to Read the Progression of a Horoscope (6)

※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE 


Now, we are going on!


It seems that Antoinette was not so pessimistic at the outbreak of the French Revolution, but as the revolution progressed and the Jacobins rose to power, things changed.


By the way, this has not been properly explained yet, but there are "periods of 18 degrees" each in the progression.

In Antoinette's case, gradually the meaning of the worst progressive phase (♈4° to ♈22°) during 18° became clearer.


The aristocratic power retreated and all those around Antoinette fled abroad.


Here, Mirabeau, on whom she relied on, dies suddenly in April 1791.

The King's family also refused to leave Paris.
So they tried to escape from Paris.
This is the Varennes escape (June 1791).

Run Away!

At the age of 35, her Sun☉ was,
35 x 4.28 = 149.9°.
To Her natal Sun☉, Venus♀ and Uranus♅ were in semi-sextile (150°). (Figure 1)

With this incident, the King was touted as standing for counter-revolution, which caused deep disappointment among the people who had previously supported the royal family.

(Fig 1)


I think Antoinette was deceived.
There were those who hated the blood of Capet so much.
The real enemy was not among the masses, you know.


Robespierre, the man of justice, was against the death penalty in the first place!

It was Saint-Juste who insisted to kill them.


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Now, anyway, not a single good thing happened after that,

In the August 10 of 1792 attacks, her friend who had been by her side(Madam de Lamblle)  was killed, and General Lafayette, who had been her confidant, was also disgraced.

At that time, Antoinette was just short of 37 years old,
36.7 x 4.28 ≒ 157.0°.


That's a square with Mars.

(Fig. 2)

8th August


The people close to her were murdered in the palace, and Antoinette was indeed frightened.

Thus, the Royal Family was imprisoned in the Tambour Tower.


Well, that's all for today.






60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette⑤ The basics of how to read the progression of a horoscope (5)

60stars Astrology for kids6

Queen Marie Antoinette

The basics of how to read the progression of a horoscope (5)

※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE 



Now, let's continue with Antoinette!

For a while, someone using the name of Marie Antoinette committed a fraud and people rumored about her involvement (1785 Necklace Scandal. This case is so famous that it became the first episode of Lupin the Phantom Thief).


In fact, Antoinette had nothing to do with it.

Her claim was accepted (court decision of June 1786 ).

But only nasty rumors were spread.
At that time, Antoinette was 30.5 years old,
30.5 x 4.28 = 130.54°.
So her progressing Sun☉ was at 20° of Pisces and semi-sextile (150°) to her natal Moon☽.

(Fig. 1)



Of course, the King understood and kept the bad guys away from His Court.

But he could not prevent the citizens from spreading the story as if something was wrong with Antoinette.

Jewelry Box



After all that, the French Revolution began (July 1789).
The progressing Sun☉ of Antoinette entered the fatal constellation the Aries♈ in 1788.


At the beginning of the outbreak of the French Revolution, Antoinette (shortly before turning 34 years old) was perplexed and enduring a turbulent daily life.

At that time, 33.5 x 4.28 = 143.8°.


Her progressing Sun☉ is around 3 degrees of Aries, exactly square to her Ascendant. (Fig. 2)

At the beginning of THE REVOLUTION


It must have been a great shock to be moved from Versailles to the old Palais de Thieuley (150 degrees of her natal Sun, Sirius in square), but there was no immediate threat of being killed or anything like that.


They could go to the Château de Saint-Cloud from time to time.


Because the Great Revolution, in its early days, was led by aristocrats such as General Lafayette, Mirabeau, etc.


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I'll come back soon!




60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette④ The basics of how to read the progression of a horoscope (4) 

60stars Astrology for kids6

Queen Marie Antoinette

The basics of how to read the progression of a horoscope (4) 

※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE 

Now, let's continue.

After Louis XV died (1774), Marie Antoinette became the Queen of France.

But she was under strong pressure in the French court where only boys could be the heir to the throne.

She was also under strong pressure from her mother (Maria Theresa) at the age of 21.

21 x 4.28 = 89.8°.

That's the square of the sun (90°)




After that, her mother (Maria Theresa), who was worried about Antoinette and her husband, sent her brother (Joseph) to tell them that "Jesus Christ was a very exceptional case!" and that "Children were not brought by a stork to the couple".




So, in the winter of her 23rd year, her natal  Moon☽, which represents the joy of family and children, came around.

Antoinette finally gave birth to a child.

23.2 x 4.28 = 99.3°.
Antoinette's Sun☉ was, at the time of birth, in Scorpio 10° .


∴ 10° Scorpio + 99.3° = 19.3° Aquarius


This is the trine of the Moon☽  (Figure 2).

The Moon☽  represents the mother, wife, and children.

It is the star of the family.


Baby's come!


At first it was a girl, but soon two boys (princes)  were born, and Antoinette's position became secure.

When the Sun☉ was progressing through Pisces, next to Aquarius, she spent happy days playing with her lovely children and enjoying her hobby of farming.


I will continue in the next article.





60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette③ The Basics of How to Read the Progression of a Horoscope (3) 

60stars Astrology for kids6

Queen Marie Antoinette

The Basics of How to Read the Progression of a Horoscope (3) 

※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE 


Now, let's read her horoscope!

Marie Antoinette was born on November 2, 1755.

First, at the age of 14, she was married to Louis XVI (still Prince at that time).

At age 14, Marie-Antoinette's sun☉ was,

14 x V (4.28) = 59.9°, i.e., 60°, so the Sun☉ in Progression and the Sun☉ of Natal are sextiles✼.

(Fig. 1)



For a young woman, the sun☉ means husband, which implies a good marriage.
Perhaps Louis XVI was a kind and good person.




Early in her marriage, at the age of 16, she fought with Madame du Barry, the favorite of her father-in-law, the king, Louis XV.

Madam du Barry

This climaxed in January 1772.
She was 16 years old.

So, 16.3 years old x V (4.28) = 69.7°.
10° Scorpius (her natal Sun) + 69.7°

= 19.7° Capricorn.


Therefore, Mrs. Antoinette's progressing Sun☉ at that time is about 20° of Capricorn!


Although I feel sorry for Antoinette, because in this case she was set up by those around her who were jealous of Madame du Barry, the square□ of her Moon (with her progressing Sun☉)  shows her strong emotional tension.

Antoinette made a concession to Madame. du Barry. (Fig. 2)

However, since she was still young, she only had to be vented by her mother (Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria) and her father-in-law, Louis XV, after a quarrel.

(Fig 2)



But in fact, it was a serious event that decided the partition of Poland, later.(Saturn♄'s conjunction ☌ )


That's all for today.