japan60stars’s illustrated diary

I will explain with illustrations how to use 60stars astrology!

60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette⑦ The Basics of How to Read the Progression of a Horoscope (7)

60stars Astrology for kids6

Queen Marie Antoinette

The Basics of How to Read the Progression of a Horoscope (7)

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Now, imprisoned in the Tambour Tower, Antoinette and the royal family were put on trial for leaking abroad the secrets of the French national army.



Then, in January 1793, Louis XVI, her good husband, was sentenced to death and immediately executed.
The opinion of Saint-Just, that the institution of monarchy itself should be punished, prevailed and somehow the king was executed.

At that time, Antoinette was a little over 37 years old.
37.3 x 4.28 = 159.6


So, her progression sun☉ was at 19.6 degrees of Aries, counting from the natal Sun☉ Scorpio.
That's the Opposition of her natal Moon.

(Fig 1)

Death of the King


Louis XVI and Antoinette were very good acquaintances.

The execution of the king was a great shock to her.

Of course, this was one of the biggest shocks to European society at that time.


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Later, the attack by Saint-Just and others came to Antoinette.
In October of that year (1793), Antoinette was executed, leaving behind her daughter and son, even though there was not much doubt that she should have been executed.

Antoinette was just before 38 years old.

37.9 x 4.28 = 162.2°.


This is the exact square of Saturn (Figure 2).

So Saturn became the head-hunting scythe.(Fig 2)

Death of the Queen

In one progressive period  (her case, 18° ÷ 4.28 = 4.2 , i.e., only 4 and a bit years), she fell from the throne of Queen and was killed in a terrible hard fate.

This period was with all the major stars (Ascendant => Sirius => Sun => Mars => Moon => Saturn) in bad aspects.

This is a very unfortunate horoscope.


If Antoinette had lived another six months, the progressive phase would have clearly changed.

Because Arcturus★, which indicates army, would be in Opposition, the Galactic Center✪ would be in Trine.

Maybe the armies of salvation would have come from an unexpected direction, although there would be great danger.


And if Antoinette had survived this great crisis, she would have been back in the next Age of Taurus (Progression), giving France a brilliant new era.


There are no " IFs " in history, though.


This is a long story, but it is a very, very pitiful horoscope.

If she were not a princess, she would not have lived such a cruel life.




The next article will be the last in this series.