japan60stars’s illustrated diary

I will explain with illustrations how to use 60stars astrology!

Entries from 2023-11-01 to 1 month

60stars Astrology for Kids 3-⑧ Scorpio's personality

8 Scorpio♏ personality ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE To find out what zodiac sign you were born under in 60stars Astrology, check the chart! Scorpio's personality The word that describes the personality of a Scorpi…

60stars Astrology for Kids 3-⑦ Libra's personality

7 Libra♎ personality ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE To find out what zodiac sign you were born under in 60stars Astrology, check the chart! Libra’s personality The word that describes the personality of a Libra born…

60stars Astrology for Kids 3-⑥ Virgo's personality

6 Virgo♍ personality ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE To find out what zodiac sign you were born under in 60stars Astrology, check the chart! Virgo’s personality The word that describes the personality of a Virgo born…

60stars Astrology for Kids 3-⑤ Leo's personality

5 Leo♌ personality ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE To find out what zodiac sign you were born under in 60stars Astrology, check the chart! Leo's Personality The word that describes the personality of a Leo born in 6…

60stars Astrology for Kids 3‐④ Cancer's personality

4 Cancer♋ personality※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE To find out what zodiac sign you were born under in 60stars Astrology, check the chart! Cancer's personality The word that describes the personality of a Cancer bo…

60stars Astrology for Kids 3-③ Gemini's personality

3 Gemini♊ personality ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE To find out what zodiac sign you were born under in 60stars Astrology, check the chart! Gemini's personality The word that describes the personality of a Gemini b…