japan60stars’s illustrated diary

I will explain with illustrations how to use 60stars astrology!

Entries from 2024-02-01 to 1 month

60stars Astrology for kids 4 ‐ XIV Fixed Stars ① Sirius ~ Meanings of Planets and etc.

60stars Astrology for kids 4 XIV Fixed Stars ① Sirius ~ Meanings of Planets and etc. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Today we will talk about the fixed stars. There are many fixed stars in the night sky. The famous c…

60stars Astrology for kids 4 -XIII The M.C. ~Meanings of Planets and etc.

60stars Astrology for kids 4 - XIII The M.C.Ⓜ ~Meanings of Planets and etc. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Today we will talk about the M.C. Ⓜ This is the point directly above your head when you are born. It is also…

60stars Astrology for kids 4 -Ⅻ The ASC ~Meanings of Planets and etc.

60stars Astrology for kids 4 - Ⅻ The ASC ~ Meanings of Planets and etc. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Today we are going to talk about the ASC, which is the earth itself, i.e., the eastern horizon at the time of on…

60stars Astrology for kids 4 -Ⅺ The Pluto ~Meanings of Planets and etc.

60stars Astrology for kids 4 -Ⅺ The Pluto♇~Meanings of Planets and etc. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Today we are going to talk about the Pluto. He is Hades in Greek mythology. He is the king of the underworld. T…

60stars Astrology for kids 4 -Ⅹ The Neptune ~Meanings of Planets and etc.

60stars Astrology fo kids4 -Ⅹ The Neputune♆ ~Meanings of Planets and etc. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Today we are going to talk about The Neptune. He is Poseidon in Greek mythology, the brother of Zeus. The Nept…

60stars Astrology for kids 4 - Ⅸ The Uranus ~Meanings of Planets and etc.

60stars Astrology for kids 4 - Ⅸ The Uranus♅ ~Meanings of Planets and etc. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Today we will talk about the Uranus ♅. He is a God of the sky in Greek mythology. He is the grandfather of Ze…