japan60stars’s illustrated diary

I will explain with illustrations how to use 60stars astrology!

60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette⑥ The Basics of How to Read the Progression of a Horoscope (6)

60stars Astrology for kids6

Queen Marie Antoinette


The Basics of How to Read the Progression of a Horoscope (6)

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Now, we are going on!


It seems that Antoinette was not so pessimistic at the outbreak of the French Revolution, but as the revolution progressed and the Jacobins rose to power, things changed.


By the way, this has not been properly explained yet, but there are "periods of 18 degrees" each in the progression.

In Antoinette's case, gradually the meaning of the worst progressive phase (♈4° to ♈22°) during 18° became clearer.


The aristocratic power retreated and all those around Antoinette fled abroad.


Here, Mirabeau, on whom she relied on, dies suddenly in April 1791.

The King's family also refused to leave Paris.
So they tried to escape from Paris.
This is the Varennes escape (June 1791).

Run Away!

At the age of 35, her Sun☉ was,
35 x 4.28 = 149.9°.
To Her natal Sun☉, Venus♀ and Uranus♅ were in semi-sextile (150°). (Figure 1)

With this incident, the King was touted as standing for counter-revolution, which caused deep disappointment among the people who had previously supported the royal family.

(Fig 1)


I think Antoinette was deceived.
There were those who hated the blood of Capet so much.
The real enemy was not among the masses, you know.


Robespierre, the man of justice, was against the death penalty in the first place!

It was Saint-Juste who insisted to kill them.


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Now, anyway, not a single good thing happened after that,

In the August 10 of 1792 attacks, her friend who had been by her side(Madam de Lamblle)  was killed, and General Lafayette, who had been her confidant, was also disgraced.

At that time, Antoinette was just short of 37 years old,
36.7 x 4.28 ≒ 157.0°.


That's a square with Mars.

(Fig. 2)

8th August


The people close to her were murdered in the palace, and Antoinette was indeed frightened.

Thus, the Royal Family was imprisoned in the Tambour Tower.


Well, that's all for today.