japan60stars’s illustrated diary

I will explain with illustrations how to use 60stars astrology!

Entries from 2024-04-01 to 1 month

60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette⑧ The Basics of How to Read the Progression of a Horoscope (8)

60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette⑧ The Basics of How to Read the Progression of a Horoscope (8) ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Liberty Now that I have explained about progressions with Marie Antoine…

60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette⑦ The Basics of How to Read the Progression of a Horoscope (7)

60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette⑦ The Basics of How to Read the Progression of a Horoscope (7) ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Now, imprisoned in the Tambour Tower, Antoinette and the royal family w…

60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette⑥ The Basics of How to Read the Progression of a Horoscope (6)

60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette⑥ The Basics of How to Read the Progression of a Horoscope (6) ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Now, we are going on! It seems that Antoinette was not so pessimistic …

60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette⑤ The basics of how to read the progression of a horoscope (5)

60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette⑤ The basics of how to read the progression of a horoscope (5) ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Now, let's continue with Antoinette! For a while, someone using the nam…