japan60stars’s illustrated diary

I will explain with illustrations how to use 60stars astrology!

One Point Lesson  about Famous Person's HOROSCOPE ①

One Point Lesson about Famous Person's HOROSCOPE 1 Today, I start One Point Lesson about the Progression of Famous Person's HOROSCOPE (FOR KIDS) This time, about an great actress, when she became a movie star! Roman Holiday! Her progressiv…

60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette⑧ The Basics of How to Read the Progression of a Horoscope (8)

60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette⑧ The Basics of How to Read the Progression of a Horoscope (8) ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Liberty Now that I have explained about progressions with Marie Antoine…

60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette⑦ The Basics of How to Read the Progression of a Horoscope (7)

60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette⑦ The Basics of How to Read the Progression of a Horoscope (7) ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Now, imprisoned in the Tambour Tower, Antoinette and the royal family w…

60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette⑥ The Basics of How to Read the Progression of a Horoscope (6)

60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette⑥ The Basics of How to Read the Progression of a Horoscope (6) ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Now, we are going on! It seems that Antoinette was not so pessimistic …

60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette⑤ The basics of how to read the progression of a horoscope (5)

60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette⑤ The basics of how to read the progression of a horoscope (5) ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Now, let's continue with Antoinette! For a while, someone using the nam…

60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette④ The basics of how to read the progression of a horoscope (4) 

60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette④ The basics of how to read the progression of a horoscope (4) ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Now, let's continue. After Louis XV died (1774), Marie Antoinette becam…

60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette③ The Basics of How to Read the Progression of a Horoscope (3) 

60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette③ The Basics of How to Read the Progression of a Horoscope (3) ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Now, let's read her horoscope! Marie Antoinette was born on November 2,…

60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette② The basics of how to read the progression of a horoscope (2)

60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette② The basics of how to read the progression of a horoscope (2) ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Now, we have Marie Antoinette. Her horoscope is shown the Figure 1 (Fig…

60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette① The Basics of how to read the progression of a horoscope (1)

60stars Astrology for kids6 Queen Marie Antoinette① The Basics of how to read the progression of a horoscope (1) ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE "The Die Is Cast!" Today, for kids, I will start writing about how to …

60stars Astrology for kids 5-IV ASPECTS④ ~Two intense aspects

60stars Astrology for kids 5-IV ASPECTS④ ~Two intense aspects ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Today, I would like to explain two very intense aspects, which are neither good nor bad. "Conjunction☌"0 degrees, and "Opp…

60stars Astrology for kids 5-Ⅲ ASPECTS③ ~Two bad aspects

60stars Astrology for kids 5-Ⅲ ASPECTS③ ~Two bad aspects ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Now, today, I will explain two bad aspects. Square □ i.e. 90 degrees and semi-sextile ∠ i.e. 30 degrees (and 150 degrees) are b…

60stars Astrology for kids 5-II ASPECTS②~Two good aspects

60stars Astrology for kids 5-II ASPECTS②~Two good aspects ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Now, today, I will explain two good aspects. The trine △120° and sextile ✼60° are good aspects! 120° and 60° More specificall…

60stars Astrology for kids 5-Ⅰ ASPECTS① ~introduction

60stars Astrology for kids 5-Ⅰ ASPECTS① ~introduction ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Today, I will begin to explain angles, or so-called "aspects". An aspect is the degree at which a star is at an angle to another s…

60stars Astrology for kids 4 -ⅩⅥ  Summary about Meanings of Planets and etc.

60stars Astrology fo kids ④ ⅩⅥ Summary about Meanings of Planets and etc. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Today is a summary of what we have learned so far. The meanings of the stars The stars we use in astrology are…

60stars Astrology for kids 4 - XV Fixed Stars ② Arcturus ~ Meanings of Planets and etc.

60stars Astrology for kids 4 - XV Fixed Stars ② Arcturus ~ Meanings of Planets and etc. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE This time, we will look at the star Arcturus, which is in the constellation of the Cowherd. This…

60stars Astrology for kids 4 ‐ XIV Fixed Stars ① Sirius ~ Meanings of Planets and etc.

60stars Astrology for kids 4 XIV Fixed Stars ① Sirius ~ Meanings of Planets and etc. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Today we will talk about the fixed stars. There are many fixed stars in the night sky. The famous c…

60stars Astrology for kids 4 -XIII The M.C. ~Meanings of Planets and etc.

60stars Astrology for kids 4 - XIII The M.C.Ⓜ ~Meanings of Planets and etc. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Today we will talk about the M.C. Ⓜ This is the point directly above your head when you are born. It is also…

60stars Astrology for kids 4 -Ⅻ The ASC ~Meanings of Planets and etc.

60stars Astrology for kids 4 - Ⅻ The ASC ~ Meanings of Planets and etc. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Today we are going to talk about the ASC, which is the earth itself, i.e., the eastern horizon at the time of on…

60stars Astrology for kids 4 -Ⅺ The Pluto ~Meanings of Planets and etc.

60stars Astrology for kids 4 -Ⅺ The Pluto♇~Meanings of Planets and etc. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Today we are going to talk about the Pluto. He is Hades in Greek mythology. He is the king of the underworld. T…

60stars Astrology for kids 4 -Ⅹ The Neptune ~Meanings of Planets and etc.

60stars Astrology fo kids4 -Ⅹ The Neputune♆ ~Meanings of Planets and etc. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Today we are going to talk about The Neptune. He is Poseidon in Greek mythology, the brother of Zeus. The Nept…

60stars Astrology for kids 4 - Ⅸ The Uranus ~Meanings of Planets and etc.

60stars Astrology for kids 4 - Ⅸ The Uranus♅ ~Meanings of Planets and etc. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Today we will talk about the Uranus ♅. He is a God of the sky in Greek mythology. He is the grandfather of Ze…

60stars Astrology for kids 4 - Ⅷ The Saturn ~Meanings of Planets and etc.

60stars Astrology for kids 4 - Ⅷ The Saturn♄ ~ Meanings of Planets and etc. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Today we will talk about the Saturn. It is the Kronos of Greek mythology. It is a very powerful and scary st…

60stars Astrology for kids 4 - Ⅶ The Jupiter ~Meanings of Planets and etc.

60stars Astrology fo kids 4 - VII The Jupiter♃ ~ Meanings of Planets and etc. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Today we will talk about The Jupiter. It is Zeus in Greek mythology. It is said to be a very good star. Th…

60stars Astrology for kids 4 - Ⅵ The Mars ~Meanings of Planets and etc.

60stars Astrology for kids 4 - Ⅵ The Mars♂~Meanings of Planets and etc. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Today we will talk about the Mars ♂. It is Ares in Greek mythology and Mars in Roman mythology. The Mars is a r…

60stars Astrology for kids 4 Ⅴ The Venus ~ Meanings of Planets and etc.

60stars Astrology for kids 4 - Ⅴ The Venus♀ ~Meanings of Planets and etc. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Today we will talk about Venus. It is Aphrodite in Greek mythology. The Venus is a planet about the same size …

60stars Astrology for kids 4 Ⅳ The Mercury ~ Meanings of Planets and etc.

60stars Astrology for kids 4-Ⅳ The Mercury☿ ~ Meanings of Planets and etc. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Today we will talk about the Mercury. It is said to be the Hermes of Greek mythology. Mercury is a small plan…

60stars Astrology for kids 4 Ⅲ The Moon ~ Meanings of Planets and etc.

60stars Astrology for kids 4 - Ⅲ The Moon☽~Meanings of Planets and etc. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE The Goddess of the Moon The meaning of the Moon in your birth horoscope ("Birth Chart") is, your temperament, f…

60stars Astrology for kids 4 Ⅱ The Sun ~ Meanings of Planets and etc.

60stars Astrology for kids 4 -Ⅱ The Sun☉~Meanings of Planets and etc. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Today we will talk about the Sun☉. The sun is a big star that everyone knows. In Greek mythology, it is Apollo. T…

60stars Astrology for kids 4 Ⅰ introduction~ Meanings of Planets and etc.

60stars Astrology for kids 4 -Ⅰ introduction~ Meanings of Planets and etc. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Today, I will start explaining about stars. Celestial Bodies There are three types of stars: 1 Fixed stars t…

60stars Astrology for Kids 3-⑫ Pisces's personality

12 Pisces♓ personality ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE To find out what zodiac sign you were born under in 60stars Astrology, please check the chart! Pisces's personality The word that describes the personality of an…