japan60stars’s illustrated diary

I will explain with illustrations how to use 60stars astrology!

Entries from 2023-09-01 to 1 month

60stars Astrology for kids 2-⑨ Jobs for Scorpio

⑨ Today, it's for Scorpio. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE First, check your zodiac sign in 60stars Astrology with your birthday (see the Chart). Scorpio's Jobs Scorpios ♏ are suited to jobs that have to do with life…

60stars Astrology for kids 2-⑧ Jobs for Libra

⑧ Today,it's for Libra. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE First, check your zodiac sign in 60stars Astrology with your birthday (see the Chart). Libra's Jobs Libra ♎ is suited to jobs for negotiating with customers.So …

60stars Astrology for kids 2-⑦ Jobs for Virgo

⑦ Today,it's for Virgo. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE First, check your zodiac sign in 60stars Astrology with your birthday (see the Chart). Virgo's Jobs In a word, Virgo♍ is suited to all administrative jobs. Virg…

60stars Astrology for kids 2-⑥  Jobs for Leo 

⑥ Today,it's for Leo. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE First, check your zodiac sign in 60stars Astrology with your birthday (see the Chart). Leo's Jobs In a word, Leo ♌ is suited for jobs in which they stand out.Anyt…

60stars Astrology for kids 2-⑤ Jobs for Cancer

⑤ Today,it's for Cancer. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE First, check your zodiac sign in 60stars Astrology with your birthday (see the Chart). Cancer's Jobs In a nutshell, the Cancer ♋ is suited to jobs such as prot…

60stars Astrology for kids 2-④ Jobs for Gemini

④ Today, it's for Gemini. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE First, check your zodiac sign in 60stars Astrology with your birthday (see the Chart). Gemini's Jobs In a nutshell, Gemini ♊ is suited to jobs in which you ta…

60stars Astrology for kids 2-③ Jobs for Taurus

③ Today,it's for Taurus. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE First, check your zodiac sign in 60stars Astrology with your birthday (see the Chart). Taurus's jobs In a nutshell, Taurus ♉ is good for jobs that touch the th…

60stars Astrology for kids 2-② Jobs for Aries

② Today,it's for Aries. ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Aries's Jobs First, check your zodiac sign in 60stars Astrology with your birthday (see the Chart). In a word, Aries ♈ is suited for competition and fighting. I…

60stars Astrology for kids 2-① Introduction: A job suited to your personality

① Introduction of "jobs suited to you" ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Once you know your 60stars astrology sign by your birthday, you will know your true personality. There are certain kinds of professions (jobs) th…

How to do 60stars Astrology for kids ⑬ 5 PISCES

13 The birthdays of 5Pisces ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Then the twelfth, the person whose birthday is shown below was born under the sign of Pisces ♓ . See the illustration! (Birthday) Month/Day 6/23 -6/28 9/6-…

How to do 60stars Astrology for kids ⑫ 5 AQUARIUS

12 The birthdays of 5Aquarius ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Then the eleventh, the person whose birthday is shown below was born under the sign of Aquarius ♒ . See the illustration! (Birthday) Month/Day 6/16 -6/22…

How to do 60stars Astrology for kids ⑪ 5 CAPRICORNS

11 The birthdays of 5Capricorns ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Then the tenth, the person whose birthday is shown below was born under the sign of Capricorns ♑ . See the illustration! (Birthday) Month/Day 6/10 -6/1…

How to do 60stars Astrology for kids ⑩ 5SAGITTARIUS

10 The birthdays of 5Sagittarius ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Then the ninth, the person whose birthday is shown below was born under the sign of Sagittarius ♐ . See the illustration! (Birthday) Month/Day 6/4 -6/…

How to do 60stars Astrology ⑨ for kids 5 SCORPIOS

9 The birthdays of 5Scorpios ※Click here to see the index of this blog ⇒INDEX PAGE Then the eighth, the person whose birthday is shown below was born under the sign of Scorpio ♏ . See the illustration! (Birthday) Month/Day 5/29 -6/3 8/12-…

How to do 60stars Astrology for kids ⑧ 5 LIBRAS

8 The birthdays of 5 Libras ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Then the seventh, the person whose birthday is shown below was born under the sign of Libra ♎. See the illustration! (Birthday) Month/Day 5/23 -5/28 8/6-8/1…

How to do 60stars Astrology for kids ⑦ 5 VIRGOS

7 The birthdays of 5 Virgos ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Then the sixth, the person whose birthday is shown below was born under the sign of Virgo ♍ . See the illustration! (Birthday) Month/day 5/17 -5/22 7/31-8/5…

How to do 60stars Astrology for kids ⑥ 5 LEOS

6 The birthdays of5Leos ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Then the fifth, the person whose birthday is shown below was born under the sign of Leo ♌ . See the illustration! (Birthday) Month/Day 5/11 -5/16 7/24-7/30 10/…

How to do 60stars Astrology for kids ⑤ 5 CANCERS

5 The birthdays of 5Cencers ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Then the fourth, the person whose birthday is shown below was born under the sign of Cancer. See the illustration! (Birthday) Month/Day 5/5 -5/10 7/17-7/23…

How to do 60stars Astrology for kids ④ 5 GEMINIS

4 The birthdays of 5Geminis ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Then the third, the person whose birthday is shown below was born under the sign of Gemini. See the illustration! (Birthday) Month/Day 4/29 -5/4 7/11-7/16 …

How to do 60stars Astrology for kids ③ 5 TAURUS

3 The birthdays of 5Taurus ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE Then the second, the person whose birthday is shown below was born under the sign of Taurus. See the illustration! (Birthday) Month/Day 4/23-4/28 7/5-7/10 …

How to do 60stars Astrology for kids ② 5 ARIES

2 The birthdays of 5Aries ※Click here to see the index of this blog! ⇒INDEX PAGE In 60stars Astrology, 365 days of the year are divided into 60 zodiac signs. This does not mean that there are 60 constellations of different types. There a…